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Crossroads Mechanical Explains: Is Your Vehicle Due for a Wheel Alignment?

Updated: May 2

At Crossroads Mechanical, we specialise in maintaining your vehicle at its optimal performance, which includes guaranteeing that your wheels are aligned correctly. Wheel alignment, or tracking, involves adjusting your wheels' angles according to the specifications provided by your vehicle's manufacturer. This adjustment is essential for a smoother ride, enhanced fuel efficiency, and extended tyre life.

Signs That Your Vehicle Requires Wheel Alignment

Uneven Tyre Wear

Noticing uneven or accelerated tyre wear could indicate that your wheel alignment needs adjustment. This uneven wear not only necessitates earlier tyre replacement but also affects your vehicle's performance and safety.

Vehicle Drifts to One Side

If your car drifts to one side without steering input, it’s a clear sign of alignment problems. A properly aligned vehicle should travel straight without needing constant corrections from the driver.

Steering Wheel Shakes

A vibrating steering wheel is a common symptom of wheel misalignment, resulting from uneven pressure on the tyres.

Compromised Handling

If your car's handling feels sluggish or the steering wheel doesn't return smoothly after turning, it may be time to check your wheel alignment.

The Importance of Proper Wheel Alignment

Enhanced Fuel Efficiency

Misalignment increases road resistance, forcing your engine to work harder. By adjusting your alignment at Crossroads Mechanical, you reduce this resistance, saving fuel and benefiting both your wallet and the environment.

Longer Tyre Lifespan

Aligning your wheels promotes even tyre wear, extending their usability and saving you money in the long run.

Improved Safety

Correct wheel alignment contributes to better vehicle handling, ensuring a safer driving experience for you and your passengers.

Comfortable Driving Experience

A vehicle with misaligned wheels can lead to a rough ride. We can adjust your wheels for a smooth, vibration-free driving experience.

Cost Savings

Regular wheel alignment is a form of preventative maintenance that can help avoid more significant, expensive repairs down the line.

When to Check Your Wheel Alignment

It's advisable to check your wheel alignment:

  • Every 10,000 kilometres or following your manufacturer's recommendation.

  • Upon purchasing new tyres.

  • After hitting a severe pothole or curb.

  • After any repairs on your vehicle's suspension or steering system.

At Crossroads Mechanical, precision and performance are our priorities. Wheel alignment is a crucial service that ensures your vehicle's longevity, safety, and efficiency. If you're experiencing any alignment issues or it's simply time for a check-up, visit our shop. We're ready to inspect and adjust your alignment, setting you up for safe and efficient travels.

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